[Bài dich]: English club in the faculty of civil engineering - DongA University

In recent years, the role of English has significant influence in our life as well as in the process of teaching and learning of students in Dong A university. However, students can not truly interactive environment using English regularly, so they do not have ability to listen and communicate. For some students, the possibility of grammar, reading comprehension are pretty good, but speaking and listening skills are very weak.

Lecturers and Foreign volunteers on the occation of opening the English club in the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

Starting from the basic needs of the students of civil engineering faculty, The leaders of faculty have established English clubs to create opportunities to improve the listening and speaking skills for students who love English. At the same time, creating a suitable environment for students can interact, learn and share their experiences for learning English through effective meetings and seminars

Besides English of communication, the club is a place to practice English of civil engineering. This is particularly important role at this time when most of the construction companies was participated in construction and bidding projects from the foreign investors. So improving skills to use English of civil engineering is absolutely necessary.

Phuong Luong Nguyen Hoang